Pop Quiz: EdTech Disaster Prep

By Roger High Sep 22, 2015 10:00:00 AM

Classroom Quiz

Broken iPads. Missing Chromebooks. Class is in session. Is your edtech protected?  

Thanks to the m-learning trend and the introduction of one-to-one classrooms, America’s children have their sticky hands on more educational technology than ever before. And those little fingers are just one reason to make technology protection a priority. (Although they’d like you to think so, teachers and parents aren’t perfect either.)

 Whatever the reason (or whoever the culprit), educators and administrators alike need to be prepared for what could happen if faced with an edtech disaster. Are you ready?

 In the spirit of education, take this pop quiz to find out:

(1) True or False: Your school has a plan in place to educate teachers about how to use m-learning devices, and provides tips on how they can collaborate to create digital resources.

(2) True or False: You (or someone in your district) know what the procedure is when a device breaks, where devices can be sent if they need repairs, and how long schools will be without the device.

(3) True or False: Your school has secure storage where tablets and other devices are kept during off hours.

(4) True or False: You have a generic maintenance schedule mapped out that includes daily tasks like charging your device fleet.

(5) True or False: Your school has a contract or agreement in place that obligates students, parents, and others to answer for the care of m-learning devices.

(6) True or False: Your school has a learning management system, or another kind of portal, for teachers to use when assigning or collecting student work.

(7) True or False: You’ve taken measures to keep devices physically safe, including investing in cases and school tablet or Chromebook insurance.

If you answered ‘true’ to six or more questions, you’re likely in good shape! If not, it might be time to put some additional planning in place. Our EdTech Checklist is a great place to start. Download the checklist now to receive 10 tips that can get your school m-learning ready.

Categories: Warranty Solutions

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