Kevin Cundiff and Retail Moneyball are back! Our VP of Retail has more tips on how you can maximize revenue and boost your bottom line!
Join Kevin for Retail Moneyball tomorrow, February 1, from 2–3pm EST. during the HFA Webinar.
Your numbers tell a story. During this insightful Moneyball session, Kevin will discuss ways to take a realistic look at sales analytics, helping you take on opportunities armed with more than just conventional wisdom or a gut feeling, but hard data.
Sure, there are scenarios where great opportunities will align with your lowest performers. But it’s more likely that the opportunities to win big exist in the middle or closer to the top of your organization where resources aren’t often allotted.
Are you ready to win big? Join Kevin for Retail Moneyball tomorrow, February 1, from 2–3pm EST. during the Home Furnishings Association Webinar.