Taking ‘No’ Out Of Your Sales Equation

Sales equation

Eliminating ‘no’ from sales interactions can be tough. Here are a few tips that can make it as easy as 1-2-3.

2 + 2 = 4

4 – 1 = 3

2 x 3 = 6

Some equations are easy. But throw in a curve ball like negative numbers, and those second grade math problems start looking an awful lot like junior high algebra.   

Well, imagine you have all the values you need to equal a sale – attentive customers, a great product, and an identified need – but the customer ruins your perfect formula with a swift ‘no.’ Suddenly you’re left scrambling, trying to figure out what to add or subtract from either side of the equation to get the right solution.

Listen…the formula for a ‘perfect sale’ doesn’t have to be unnecessarily complicated. Apply these three tips to help take ‘no’ out of your sales equation:

#1 – Ask for the sale early.

Want the sale? Hey, you’ve got to ask for it. And though it may seem counterintuitive to push hard out of the gate, it’s always best to secure a clear commitment as early as possible. Why? Because it helps build confidence and momentum. Once you’ve checked off the first ‘yes’ it’s easier to earn a customer’s full buy-in.

#2 – Ask for the sale often. 

When it comes to retail sales, a cold, one-time ask isn’t enough; you have the best chance at success if you ask both early and often. Like most success stories, a positive outcome begins with a plan. Consider the entire sales process and identify key touch points when you can secure verbal confirmation.

First, break your sales process into sections. For example, a smartphone sales model might include the following steps: close plan, close phone, close accessories, and then close the full sale. Once you’ve identified the key touch points in the process, create specific asks for each segment. Present opportunities for upgrades in a structured way that showcases options and provides multiple routes to ‘yes.’

By offering a variety of options, your odds for a positive response get a nice boost. There are always several shades of gray to explore before finding the right fit for a customer.

#3 – Isolate objections.

Say your potential buyer suddenly needs to ponder his or her purchase. Don’t panic. Instead, take it as an opportunity to review the answers you’ve already provided during the process and present them as support for the buying decision.

This is also a great chance to connect that decision to their personal needs. For example: ‘You went with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 so you can write by hand, and you purchased ProtectCELL cellphone protection in case you lose your smartphone during a business trip. Nice work.’ By isolating problem points, you can address them individually without risking the overall sale.

What sales variables do you find yourself tackling? Tweet us @Fortegra to let us know, and be sure to check back for more retail sales tips.

Categories: Warranty Solutions

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