3 Key Questions For Great Wireless Customer Service

By Paul Dobbins - Director, Account Development May 23, 2017 10:00:00 AM

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Wireless carriers: want to take your customer service the extra mile? Start with the right questions.

Yes, you can have good customer service by staying pleasant and sharing important product info. But you don’t want to have customer service that’s merely ‘good’, right?

So, how can asking your customers some key questions bump up your service level to ‘great’, you ask? It’s simple. The right questions can arm you with some pretty key answers that will allow you to provide even better service.

Here are a few of our favorites that can get the conversation going, and put you on the path to even greater customer service success.

  1. Are you planning to upgrade your device every year?
    For tech lovers, it’s common to upgrade devices with each new release—but that doesn’t mean everyone is doing it. Get an idea of your customer’s device timeline in order to suggest the best payment plan for them, in turn giving them the most bang for their buck. Someone who’s planning to upgrade every year may not want to buy his or her device outright, but for someone who’s committed to the same device for the long haul it might be more cost effective.
  2. Does your device plan make sense?
    The last thing you want for you or your customer is a big headache caused by device plan confusion. Get out front of this possibility by walking them through the key points of their plan, like contract dates, data usage info, and device upgrade details. This will help educate customers at the outset of your relationship, positioning you as more of a trusted partner.
  3. How do you plan to protect your device?
    Protection plans are often overlooked, normally offered at the end of the sales process—if at all. They’re usually just not top-of-mind for customers. By asking about protection, it can prompt customers to consider safeguarding their existing device contract—ensuring that their device is safe and sound, and again positioning you as a wireless resource. Plus, it can provide additional revenue opportunities by driving down churn and driving up ARPU.

Want to know more about how you can provide the best customer service experience possible? Check out our suggestions on building brand loyalty!

Categories: Warranty Solutions

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